Julieann O'Malley

Tour of Duty

200 soldiers have completed their tours of duty but now find themselves in yet another unfamiliar territory.

Left alone to fend for themselves, the soldiers’ new mission is to conquer and survive the urban landscape of Manchester. Coloured gold and unable to shift or move from their military pose, they look on unnoticed: unsung heroes.

150 soldiers will be placed on the streets of Manchester to survive. The remaining 50 will been given refuge in the kind homes of people willing to look after them.

Let’s hope they survive and return safely.

On the 12th October a search party will be sent out to rescue the survivors; to be exhibited as ultimate heroes of the City of Manchester on the 13th October 2012 as part of emergency

How many will remain?

Julieann O’Malley is an interdisciplinary artist based in Liverpool, UK.

“I make live performance, installation & video work that’s raw, visceral, emotionally charged and evocative. I like to test the limits of my body as well as using it as a material in my work. I have a great fascination for the possibilities of the future of the human race and am passionate about people’s personal connections with one another and the world around them.”